Press Pass Policy

Press Pass Policy

Eligibility is restricted to established journalists and media representatives who:

  • Have reported on vacation rental issues for at least four months from the time of request, or
  • Are working for or contracted by a media organization or platform with evidence of a history of reporting on issues related to vacation rentals.


  • Each journalist or writer submits a letter of accreditation of media personnel on official letterhead of a media organization, signed by the publisher or assignment editor with their contact information. The letter should include the duration of the assignment and reach of the media (print circulation, radio, TV audience numbers, and statistical hits for websites or blogs).
  • For those who are self-employed, not currently employed by a media organization, or are their own editors, a letter written by oneself is acceptable. The letter should include the name or the project, post, or assignment, its duration, and the name of the media organization or platform to which the report or investigation will be submitted. The letter should state the reach of the media in which the piece will be featured or will be submitted for review (print circulation, radio, TV audience numbers, and statistical hits for websites or blogs).

Supporting Documentation Required

  • A copy of a recognized proof of identity with photo—driver’s license, passport, identity card, etc.
  • One of the following:

Independent media, broadcast, or film production companies and writers must provide a letter from a broadcast organization, film distributor, or web platform which states its commitment to air or distribute the work.

Print reporter must submit at least one by-lined article published within the past four months and a copy of the publication; for those writers who have yet to have a by-lined publication on the topic of vacation rentals, the writer must submit at minimum two articles within the last year on the topic of education from the print media in which the work will be published. The writer should also include a copy of the publication.

Radio and TV media must submit at least one recording of report broadcast that has aired within the past four months on the topic of vacation rentals.

Photographers must submit original tear sheets or photos with credits of the issuing organization.

Online media (subject to all other criteria, online media may include news outlets, blogs, vlogs, and others) must meet the following requirements, in addition to those above:

The website must belong to a recognized media organization and have a specific, verifiable street address and a telephone number.

The website must have at least 60% original news content or commentary or analysis, including coverage of vacation rentals.

Media representatives are required to submit two by-lined articles within the past month that were posted on the website.

The website must be updated at a minimum of twice a week.


  • Outlets that are a direct communications outreach, personal blogs, competitive in nature, sales materials, or industry education do not qualify for media accreditation.
  • To ensure the best possible conditions for open exchange and debate among its membership, VRMA reserves the right to limit or restrict press access at its events.
  • VRMA reserves the right to revoke and deny press credentials to anyone at any time.