
Earn Your Vacation Rental Management Certificate

The VRMA Vacation Rental Management Certificate Program is designed for vacation rental managers (VRMs) who are looking to strengthen their industry knowledge, sharpen their skills, advance their careers, and gain a competitive edge in the professionally-managed vacation rental business.

Increase Industry Knowledge

Sharpen Your Skills

Advance Your Career

Gain a Competite Advantage

Improve Your Business

Empower Your Team

View Program Modules

This accessible, convenient, comprehensive, certificate program is a mark of distinction that serves to differentiate vacation rental managers who have acquired the requisite knowledge to professionally operate and manage vacation rental properties. Specifically, it assures guests and property owners that these managers have demonstrated a standard of excellence in the vacation rental industry.

By obtaining the Vacation Rental Management certificate, you will benefit from an enhanced business reputation, business growth, and an increased ability to meet the needs of their guests and property owners.

Purchase the Program

*Please note certification courses must be purchased on the profile of the intended user and should not be purchased on one’s account with the intent to transfer it to a different user. If you have further questions, or would like to purchase the Certificate Program in bulk, contact certificate@vrma.org today.

Program Requirements

To earn the certificate, vacation rental managers must successfully complete the five online module program in its entirety and achieve a passing score on the subsequent assessment. The assessment is based on the knowledge gained from completing the modules. Each online education module dives into the specific roles and responsibilities of a vacation rental manager working in the industry today. The modules are self-paced and can be completed from the home or office at your convenience.

The assessment evaluates the VRM’s understanding and mastery of the module content. VRMs who achieve a passing score on the assessment can utilize the VRMP (Vacation Rental Management Professional) designation after their names.


Product VRMA Member Price Non-Member Price
All Modules $450 $750
Business Planning and Organizational Management $150 $300
Marketing and Promotion $100 $250
Guest Relations $100 $250
Owner Relations $100 $250
Business Operations $150 $300

Purchase Individual Modules

Certificate Maintenance and Renewal

Certificate holders will be required to submit 15 hours of continuing education credits and a $100 maintenance fee every three (3) years in order to maintain the certificate.

Continuing education credits can be acquired from a number of sources, including attendance at any VRMA Conferences or other educational industry events. Credits can also be acquired online by participating in VRMA webinars as well as downloading past conference recordings and other online industry education.

Program Development

The Vacation Rental Management Certificate program was developed to differentiate and acknowledge leaders in the vacation rental industry. 

In 2016, the VRMA Board of Directors commissioned a study to perform research and analysis on implementing a professional certificate program in the vacation rental management industry. This research included validation from the VRMA membership that a certificate program was not only wanted, but also needed. The research showed there was a high demand and level of support for VRMA to offer a professional program to designate vacation rental managers who have demonstrated a standard of industry expertise.

Successful and experienced vacation rental managers and industry experts were convened to develop the program content. A content outline was first developed by these experts to articulate the subject areas and competencies that would be covered in this program and then sent out to survey to the VRMA membership to validate the work of the task force.

With the results of the survey, the educational module content and assessment questions were then developed by these experts over a 12 month period, working closely with VRMA staff and an instructional design consultant to ensure that content meets best practices in certificate development and principles of adult education. Content was reviewed by the VRMA Board of Directors before finalizing the program.

The result is a program that is of high value to all stakeholders, delivered in an accessible format to maximize engagement, that serves to raise the standard of awareness and professionalism in the professionally managed vacation rental industry.

View VRMP Directory